Jewish Liars of the Holocaust
Jewish Liars of the Holocaust
(For high school students, teachers, and adults) This 20-minute video, in Polish with English subtitles, presents some of the more notorious examples of Jewish individuals and organizations who have spread malicious lies about Poles. For many years, Jewish circles around the world have claimed that Poland and the Poles were Hitler’s worst helpers of the Holocaust. As the author asks — Why are there so many publications claiming that Poles were Holocaust perpetrators when Poles themselves were victims of Hitler and his criminal system? The answer will become apparent in the video. [Full disclosure; the first 1:15 of the video is a commercial message about the author’s sponsor.]
The first such lie is the book Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinski, whose real name was Józef Lewinkopf. His Jewish family survived the Holocaust thanks to local Polish villagers in the town of Dabrowo Rzeczycka who sheltered Polish Jews despite knowing that the German penalty for doing so was death. Kosinski-Lewinkopf made Polish peasants into vicious brutes who came to the railroad tracks at the places where Jews had tried to save themselves by jumping off the death trains, and then stripped the Jewish dead of their clothing and shoes. Kosiński described the book as autobiographical but it was soon determined to be a fraud and purely fictional account. When Kosinski visited Poland in 1989, he was noticeably cool to his rescuers and their descendants, who had eagerly come to see him again. During his public appearances, he never once thanked the town of Dabrowo Rzeczycka for saving his life.
A second lie is the book Fragments: Memories of a Wartime Childhood, whose author used the pseudonym Binjamin Wilkomirski, in which he described his experiences as a child survivor of Majdanek and the Holocaust. Wilkomirski’s real name is Bruno Dössekker, who lived in the German-speaking part of Switzerland and it soon became apparent that his book was a fraud.
A third lie is the book Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust by Daniel Goldhagen, who claims that Hitler unleashed a long-suppressed anti-Semitic mood that has always been present among Poles. As a result, he claims that Poles persecuted, hunted, and were accountable for the murder of six million European Jews. According to Goldhagen’s fabricated construct, it was longstanding anti-Semitism among European societies rather than collaborating countries and their murderous militias that was the key cause of Hitler’s genocide of European Jews.
A fourth lie is the book Neighbors: the Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland by Jan Gross. As with Goldhagen, Gross claims that longstanding anti-Semitism among the town’s Poles was why Jedwabne’s Jews were murdered; however, his book has since been decisively debunked. Historian Alexander B. Rossino points out that Gross’s failure to examine German documentary sources fundamentally flawed his depiction of the events. Historian Ewa Kurek points out that Gross became infamous by announcing to the world in a 2015 essay in Die Welt that Poles killed more Jews than Germans during the Second World War, which is a ridiculous assertion. Historian Marek Jan Chodakiewicz points out that Gross considered a very limited pool of evidence. By contrast, Chodakiewicz examined all the evidence that was currently available and notes that Gross rejected 20 Jewish and Polish postwar depositions, each of which were freely given and identified the Jedwabne murderers as Germans. Historian Christopher Browning, who specializes in Hitler’s attempted destruction of Europe’s Jews, criticizes Gross for selectively using witness testimonies that were consistent with his thesis, which alleges that Poles single-handedly committed the crime. For a detailed examination of the truth, please see the article “Jedwabne: The Anti-Polish Lie that persists in the US Holocaust Memorial Museum” in the Distortions & Falsehoods section on the Resources page.
We now come the question of why these false accusations are continuously repeated. The answer is: the worldwide Holocaust Industry. The Holocaust Industry was exposed in the 2003 book The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein, a Jewish-American former professor who was excoriated by the Jewish diaspora for revealing the facts. As will be seen, there is a reason why defaming Poland is an integral strategy of the Holocaust Industry.
After having extracted payments from West Germany for over four million Jews who were said to be survivors of the Holocaust, the World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO) conducted a propaganda campaign against Switzerland, demanding that the savings deposited in Swiss banks by Jews who died in the Holocaust be given to the WJRO. Although not legally required to do so because the accounts were heirless, Switzerland was nonetheless shamed into paying the WJRO up to $2.25 billion. After Switzerland, Poland was targeted by the World Jewish Congress and others of the Holocaust Industry, which has continuously portrayed Poland as active participants in the murder of Jews and plundering of their property. In 2014, the Polish government caved and expanded its Veterans Act, which allowed payments to 50,000 Jews. This was followed by the 2017 JUST (Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today) Act introduced by Senators Tammy Baldwin and Marco Rubio, which required the State Department to submit a report to Congress every year about countries that did not enact special laws to pay the WJRO for heirless Jewish property. The issue is that the WJRO’s request contradicts the law and legal tradition of Poland, the U.S., and other western democracies. When a person dies and has no living heir, all property belonging to that person reverts to the state. Thus, the individual private property of a Polish Jew who died and has no heir, reverts to Poland. Moreover, neither Israel nor any external organization, such as the WJRO, can legally make a claim to the heirless property of a Polish citizen, in this case a Polish Jew, who has died. Nevertheless, the purpose of the JUST Act is to shame Poland into paying the WJRO for heirless Jewish property. As expected, Poland refuses to enact special legislation that violates the longstanding legal tradition of western democracies. Each year, however, the State Department issues a report to Congress pointing out that Poland has not done so. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki recently replied to this nonsense by stating: “So long as I am prime minister, Poland will pay not a dollar, euro, or zÅ‚oty for the German crimes.” His point is unmistakably clear: Poland is not responsible for the Holocaust and will not pay for properties made heirless by the Germans.
For additional information on the Holocaust Industry’s efforts to shame Poland into paying for heirless property, please see the article “Visceral Jewish Anger at Poland’s Antidefamation Law is Baseless”, which can be viewed by clicking on the link “All Polish-Jewish Relations Articles”.
Date of Article: July 2023
Author: Gene Sokolowski