A view of the city from above.

Poland is a country with diverse attractions that will surprise, delight, and inspire you

(For high school students, teachers, and adults) Poland is rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. From the Baltic coast to the Carpathian mountains, Poland offers a variety of landscapes and attractions for travelers and adventurers.

This Youtube Video highlights some of the many places and cities you’ll find very interesting. They include Wroclaw (pronounced “Vro-swav”), the mountain town of Zakopane (pronounced Zah-ko-pahneh), the Tatra mountains, Torun (pronounced Toe-roon), Krakow (pronounced Krah-koof), Gdansk (pronounced “Geh-dainsk), the Baltic Sea resort city of Sopot (pronounced Zoe-pote), the little village of Zalipie (pronounced Zah-lee-pyeh), and the Crooked Forest.

Warsaw, Poland’s capital, is a modern and vibrant city, rebuilt after World War II with historical and contemporary architecture, museums, parks, and nightlife. Krakow, the ex-royal capital, has a beautiful castle, a medieval square, a Jewish quarter, and a salt mine that is a UNESCO site. The Tatra Mountains, a spectacular subrange of the Carpathians that Poland shares with Slovakia, offer opportunities for hiking, skiing, and spotting wildlife like bears, lynx, and marmots. Gdansk’s Main and Old Town is one of the largest complexes of monuments in Poland. Most architecture and art treasures located in this area date back to the Gothic, late Renaissance and Mannerist periods. Gdansk is also home to the National Museum, the Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre, the Museum of the Second World War, Polish Baltic Philharmonic, and the European Solidarity Center. Krakow’s Main Market Square has been the site of a trading market for hundreds of years and is the center of holiday festivities. Poland’s most famous Christmas market is set up there every December, and the lights and decorations make the center of Krakow even more beautiful. Although not mentioned in the video, another interesting attraction is the Bialowieza Forest, which is a UNESCO site and one of the few remaining primeval forests in Europe. It is a refuge for many rare animals, like bison and wolves, and hosts a diversity of plants and fungi (Bialowieza is pronounced “Byah-wo-vyay-zha).

Poland is a country with diverse attractions, from historical and cultural treasures to stunning natural scenery and mystery. Poland will surprise, delight, and inspire you. For more information, be sure to review Poland’s tourism website at www.poland.pl.