Distortions & Falsehoods

A man in suit and tie sitting at a table.

PASI EDU Letter to Senator Durbin of Illinois explains why the comic book MAUS is unsuitable and unacceptable for classroom use

PASI EDU’s reply to Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois who calls critics of the so-called...
A cnn logo on a red background

CNN correspondent’s anti-Polish accusations reveal her ignorance of historical fact

Chief Political Correspondent Dana Bash interviewed Polish President Duda on 6 April 2022 at the...
A street sign that says truth and lies.

Letter to the Independent invalidates senseless lies about Poland in World War 2

The following Letter to the Editor was written by PASI EDU President Gene Sokolowski in...
A stone wall with two large stones in front of it.

Jedwabne: The anti-Polish Lie that persists in the US Holocaust Memorial Museum

A familiar myth has it that Poles murdered Polish Jews in the small town of...
A blue square with the guardian written in white.

Article by the Speaker of the House of Commons ignores Hitler’s genocide of Poles

An 11 December 2022 article in The Guardian written by Sir Lindsay Hoyle, the Speaker...
A cartoon of a man in top hat and red shirt.

Polish Jews invalidate The New Yorker’s accusation that Poles killed 3 million Polish Jews

Masha Gessen’s 25 March 2021 article “The Historians Under Attack for Exploring Poland’s Role in...
A red background with the words " truth " written in white.

Mikhal Dekel’s accusations of Polish complicity in the Holocaust and PiS suppression of the evidence are false

[NOTE: The following was sent to the Boston Review in June 2021 with the request...