The Crypto Hackers who saved Countless Lives

An old fashioned machine with many different types of wires.

Three Polish mathematicians played an instrumental role in shortening World War 2 by breaking the secret German encryption machine called Enigma. They were Marian Rejewski, Henry Å»ygalski, and Jerzy Różycki. Breaking the Enigma was perhaps the greatest Polish contribution to the Allied victory. However, this accomplishment, and much of the history of the Enigma, was…

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Jewish Commandos from the Second Polish Republic

A close up of the flags of israel and poland

Polish special services trained right-wing Jewish fighters who carried out remarkable attacks on the British in Palestine. “I talked to many of them a quarter of a century ago. They all said that training in Poland gave them a significant advantage. Although they had no professional military education, they became conspirators and soldiers who would…

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