Make Your Donation Today to Support Our Cause
PASI EDU is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to providing the American public and others with accurate information on Polish and Polish-American history, culture, and relevant current events. Our activities are oriented toward public school students, their teachers and parents, and the American community at large. PASI EDU depends on public donations to continue this important work.
Please note that each leadership member is a full-time volunteer. Your contributions help us maintain and upgrade our website as well as expand our content and programs. PASI EDU initiatives include advocating for important learning tools like the Katyn Monument in Jersey City, New Jersey, as well as improving curricula in public schools. We also partner with like-minded organizations such as the Janusz Kurtyka Foundation, which asked our help in distributing important academic works on modern Polish history to American universities.
At a time when many worthy causes are competing for your valuable time, attention, and hard-earned dollars, we are especially grateful for your selection of PASI EDU as your charity of choice! As a 501(c)(3) organization, your contribution to PASI EDU is 100% tax deductible. We thank you for your continued support! If you or your institution would like to participate in helping us achieve our goals, please apply to join PASI EDU!