The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering

Neon Star of David, Holocaust book cover.

(For professors, college students, teachers, and interested adults) The phrase “Holocaust Industry” is one with which most Americans are unaware. It became popular after Norman Finkelstein, a former professor at DePaul University, published his book, titled The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering. In it, he presents extensive evidence of Jewish extortionist…

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Persecution For Providing Help to Jews in Occupied Polish Territories During World War II, Volume 1

Persecution for aiding Jews in WWII Poland.

This publication by Poland’s Institute of National Remembrance presents the preliminary results of work carried out within the “Index of Poles murdered or persecuted for helping Jews during World War II” program. The main, and at the same time, overriding aim of the activities undertaken as part of the “Index” project is to establish the…

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Agent Zo: The Untold Story of a Fearless World War II Resistance Fighter

Agent Zo: WWII resistance fighter.

(For college professors and students, parents, teachers, and adults). This well-researched work by British author and historian Clare Mulley presents the amazing story of Elzbieta Zawacka, a Polish World War II resistance fighter whose exploits are truly exceptional and helped restore Polish women to their rightful place in the historical record. Born in 1909, her…

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Selected Polish Artists of the 19th and 20th Centuries

Polish artists and their paintings generally are not well-known but certainly should be.One reason for this is Poland’s disappearance from Europe’s map after having been divided up by Russia, Prussia, and Austria in 1795. After 123 years, Poland was recreated in 1918 at the end of World War I. A second reason is the theft…

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